Lac Ve Breeding Pig Company Limited
Address : Ho Ve Village, Lac Ve Commune, Tien Du District, Bac Ninh Province
Phone number : (0241) 3723938fax : (0241) 3723522

 Lac Ve Breeding Pig Company Limited


Company name : Lac Ve Breeding Pig Company Limited
Abbreviation : Lac Ve Pig Co., Ltd
Address : Ha Ve Village, Lac Ve Commune, Tien Du District, Bac Ninh Province
Telephone : (0241) 3723938
Fax : (0241) 3723522
Tax Code : 2300560704
Charter Capital : Vietnamese Dong
Organizational structure : Members Board, Director and controllers
Director : Ms. Le Thi Minh Thu
Business activities  : Raising pigs, buffaloes, cows, goats, sheep; poultry; horses. Producing and trading pig breeds, lean pig, pig semen, turtles and other aquatic species; act in husbandry services (not includes trading veterinary medicine).

Lac Ve Pigs Breed Company Limited is located in Ho Ve village, Lac Ve Commune, Tien Du district, Bac Ninh province. Raising 1800 sows, annually provides market more than 40,000 commercial breeds. Modern farm system is equipped with automatic feeding system. Food supplied through tanker truck. Farrowing cage systems provided by Big Duchman company, which gives sows barn fresh, cool, comfortable conditions, while piglets are not narrow, with an automatic heat and humidity system, automatic feed-timing system serving feeding system. Moreover, the company has young staffs love working who are trained basically, 80% of staffs trained intermediate level or higher, of which 30% had graduated at university and after graduate.

The goal of the company is to create healthy breeds, with the most beautiful appearance, leaner, faster large, with the cheapest price. 

Biological safety:

In order to have healthy breeds, the biological safety is considered as the highest priority and taken seriously.


To accomplish this goal the company had effort to choose breeders to select a standard female sires possible for beautiful shape, long back, big hip and shoulders, leaner. Applying artificial insemination (AI) techniques to get the best results as quickly as possible. AI work done by the technical team of the farm carefully, meticulously aims to achieve the highest rates and determine the correct line of the best father for her children.

Artificial insemination (AI):

Prepare semen:  This task is paid much attention to hygiene.

All instruments relating to the extracting process must be steamed at t0 100C for 10 minutes, then take dried.

Distilled water for mixing environment also offers steamed.

Boars must be clean and clear the foreskin prior to take semen.

Gilts after completing vaccine procedures, reaching 220 - 240 days of age are tested oestrus twice per day to determine which sows are on heat for the or the first time being ignored, sows on heat for the second time taken into mated immediately soon after discovering the indicator.

Sows after weaning are moved to large cages with free food for 2 or 3 days then taking them to obligate to be on heat, from the 4th day sows begin to be standing. Depending on the time of standing, sooner or later, the time of mating decisions accordingly. On the normal way,  up to the 5th day after weaning, almost of 90% sows can be mated.

Good mating results is a combination of the test heat, precise timing mating, fine quality semen and good technique.

The care for pregnant sows:

Sows after mating sorted by week to easily control meal, immunization vaccines, monitoring oestrus and date of farrowing.

Pregnant sow should be cared for in a well-ventilated, quiet, well-lit, with a  suitable meal in order to farrow a healthy cubs at high alive rates.

Health and weight of piglets at birth will determine weaning weight and number of farming days.

The care of farrowing sows:

Midwifery is very important. Farrowing farm is directly obversed 24h for everyday by worker.

Preparing for pigs farrow: sows cages are keep clean, sows are bathed and clean.

Piglets cage prepared incubator, heating lamp, Mistral powder pads.

Piglets born to roll over Mistral powder creates a outside layer of warm clothes, then farrowing support operations: cutting cord, cord disinfected, cut and put into the warm cage then feeding colostrum.

Thermal task of this stage is particularly important. It helps reduce stress for piglets, soon adapt to the environment, increase alive rate and reduce rate of diarrhea.

After-farrowing sows monitored clinical symptoms within 24 hours, is power aid, vaccinating and antibiotics for prevention of breast inflammation, inflammation of the uterus after delivery to help sow quickly recover health to complete its role in raising cubs until weaning day.

Care for piglets:

In the 2nd day, pig tail is pressed, injected iron supplement to prevent iron deficiency.

In the 3rd day, piglets were drunk coccidiosis, and castrated male pigs.

In the 7nd day, piglets were injected vaccine prevent 3 diseases: myco, Glasser, inflammatory atrophy nose and started to practise eating.

In the 14nd day, piglets were injected vaccine prevent PRRS – blue ear disease.

In the 21st day, piglets were injected vaccine prevent 3 diseases for the second time and cholera.

During the course of this culture always ensure cage’s temperatures from 27 - 240,   dry and warm.

Selection and sale:

For 23 - 25 days when the pigs gain weight over 6kg begin to separate.

Sows will be returned to mating shelter preparing for a new cycle.

Piglets are taken care on cages within 1 week to ensure adapting to life without mother and only eat dry food, then each cub will be moved to the new ranch or delivered to the customer. It is necessary and important for piglets at this time is temperature, no mother as the caring system ensure fully warm before separating. The piglets feeding also have to be split into multiple meals to stimulate more tasty and avoiding eating too much likely to cause diarrhea.

The sale is also done gently, piglets are driven little by little, weight and transferred to every small cage to avoid shoving on transportation. This help pigs to prevent stress and quickly get used to the new environment.

Company always does effort in each stage to get best result before handing over farmers breeds healthy, beautiful appearance, high quality standards with superior productivity.

Duroc Landrace Yorshire
PD Petrain  LY





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